What you need to know :


Home Fields

Please DO NOT park in any grass near any of the fields.

In the case of inclement weather LYSA will announce field closures.

NO DOGS within 10 ft of soccer fields during practices and games. Rule implemented by leagues and insurance provider.

Away Fields

Remember that you are a guest and representing LYSA.

Follow their rules and guidelines

NO DOGS within 10 ft of soccer fields during practices and games. Rule implemented by leagues and insurance provider.


Sideline Etiquette

All spectators must be at least 6 ft behind/off all side lines. To give players and referees space to play and do their job. No spectators can be behind the goals or end lines.

Please refrain from criticizing other players on your team OR on the other team. Our kids are learning a team sport which includes GREAT sportsmanship on the part of parents and players to not only our team, but the opposing team.

Referees are the easiest target for our anger and frustration. DO NOT CRITICIZE A REFEREE during a game. Sometimes they make good calls, and sometimes they make bad calls. This is part of the sport.

KEEP IT POSITIVE ON THE SIDELINE. Young players succeed best when they have both the support of their coach AND positive encouragement of their parents. Young athletes do not need to be reminded of mistakes they made.


LCSL and OHTSL game schedules can be found via the links below:

